Next Generation Holiday Parks
Our mission is very clear - 5 star service and locations, without the 5 star price tag. Next Generation Holiday Parks offer old fashion customer service with innovative design and an industry-leading product offering - the perfect mix of classic and cutting edge. If you crave the atmosphere of the "good old days" but love your mod cons then look no further than Next Generation Holiday Parks. Join the revolution!
Our team
John Tilton
Founder | Director
John has over 20 years experience in the industry, owning and/or managing over 70 holiday parks in his career. John is responsible for park acquisition, vision and master planning.
Charissa Boaz
Business Manager
Charissa has an extensive background in Marketing & Tourism, and experience in website development. She has owned and/or operated her own backpackers & holiday parks. Charissa uses her experience and skills to find various ways to enhance the organisational process of the company to create stronger efficiency, quality and productivity levels of the employees throughout the business.
Dangwah Tilton
Dangwah holds a Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in General Management and has experience internationally as an HR officer and executive assistant. Dangwah is responsible for accounts and payroll for Next Generation Holiday Parks.
Our park
Our experience
Star feedback
Years combined experience